
Your Bank

Set up a one-time or recurring contribution using your bank account. Many banks allow you to pay bills or send money. For example, People’s Community Bank has bill pay where you can setup recurring or one-time payments to a business. You can use this FREE avenue to give.


By Mail

Make checks payable to “Curtiss Street Bible Fellowship” and send them to:

Curtiss Street Bible Fellowship
10416 Curtiss St.
Mazomanie, WI 53560

Struggling with Money?

Here are a couple of resources that we think might be good starting points if you need help with debt, creating a budget, or saving for the future. God has called us to be good stewards of our money and these resources can help get us on the right track. Both sites have many free resources to take advantage of. As always, you can reach out to an Elder and discuss these things with them as well.

Click on either image to get started!