
Behold the Man - Humility and Sacrifice

As we stand in the shadow of the cross, we're reminded of Jesus' last days, particularly the final one—filled not with pomp but with the utmost humility. This Good Friday, let's delve deeper into John 19:1–7, where Jesus, standing unjustly accused, reveals the true nature of sacrifice. Pastor Ronald A. Smith helps us understand the significance of Christ's sufferings—each mockery, each scourge, not a symbol of defeat but an embodiment of divine strength. Jesus’ path to the cross wasn’t dictated by those who shouted for His crucifixion but was a journey He walked willingly, a preordained plan for our redemption. As we reflect on this powerful scripture, we're called to grasp the gravity of Christ's passion. Every lash endured, every thorn pressed into His brow, was for our transgressions, a physical testament to an ethereal truth: By His wounds, we are healed.