Ms. Wheelchair Wisconsin - Annie Heathcote

Annie Heathcote (Mazomanie, Wi) recently was crowned “Ms. Wheelchair Wisconsin 2023!” Annie was a part of a full day of judging to decide who would be crowned. She had to answer on the spot questions both in a group setting and in private with different judges. She as well as other participants also had to write and memorize a two minute speech that she had to give in front of the audience.

Ms. Wheelchair Wisconsin will be spending 2023 traveling the state bringing her message of “Caring is Caregiving” which highlights the caregiving needs that are currently out there, the benefits of becoming a caregiver and the impact that caregiving can make in peoples lives.

"A lot of people think that just nurses and CNAs should be caregivers but I think that [the special care that’s needed is] just normal routines that everyone does and its just helping someone out, even if its just one shift a week.” - Annie

Annie will be representing the state of Wisconsin for the next year while also competing in the national pageant for the Ms. Wheelchair America national title this coming summer in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

Annie Heathcote NBC15 News

If you want to follow along with Annie on her journey check out her Facebook page here: Ms. Wheelchair Wisconsin America 2023 She is also trying to raise support to bring her message to people across the state. You can find out more about how to support her here: Go Fund Me