Curtiss Street Bible Fellowship (Mazomanie, Wisconsin) is currently on day three of a five day missions trip to help with flood recovery at Camp Nathanael in Kentucky. The group, consisting of 35 dedicated individuals, arrived at the camp with a determination to make a difference and lend their hands and expertise to help the camp that was in need. If you missed Monday’s update click here!
On Tuesday, the group hit the ground running, and their hard work and dedication were evident from the start. They began by seeding and mulching several large areas, a crucial step in ensuring that the grass can regrow and will prevent further erosion issues from occurring. They then moved on to painting cabins, which was a big task but one that they tackled with enthusiasm.
The group also spent a lot of time cleaning the cabins, making sure that they were spotless and ready for visitors. They even painted a bathhouse, which was in need of some TLC. In addition to this, they installed lots of 6x6 posts for a fence around the horse pasture.
One of the most significant projects that the group took on was digging a 400ft trench, which was no easy feat. Fortunately they had a trench digger to help them out!
On Wednesday, the group continued their hard work, even though the weather wasn't on their side. They started the day by cleaning the girls' bathhouse, which was a big job. The group also took on some administrative tasks, stuffing 300 envelopes with newsletters, which will help keep the community informed about the work and ministry that is being done at Camp Nathanael.
In addition to this, they installed more fence posts, this time in the rain, which was a testament to their perseverance. What’s happening with all of the kids you might ask? Several of the teams and one adult take turns watching the kids for the four hour work shifts so that the parents and other teens can work on projects. Thank you to all that are serving in so many ways!
The group also laid carpet squares in the childcare building, which will provide comfort and warmth for the children. They even finished a second deck and started drywalling another house, a task that requires patience and attention to detail.
Overall, the group's efforts have been remarkable, and their dedication to helping the community at Camp Nathanael is truly inspiring. Through their hard work and determination, they have already been able to make a significant impact on the recovery efforts. Their efforts are a reminder that when we work together, for the glory of God and by His strength, we can accomplish great things and bring hope to those who need it most. As the team rolls in to day four we ask that you would pray for strength to finish the last two days well and ultimately to finish the trip in a way that brings glory to God.